Tuesday 5 December 2006

Hide your mothers and your pregnant teens

Today Smacking: George W. Bush, Eric Keroack

I'm going to go out on a totally wacky limb and say that free, accurate contraception and safe-sex information is a really, stupendously essential service - in particular when provided to young folk, especially in the USA. So in light of this, pay attention to the horrifying notion that a fellow called Eric Keroack has been appointed head of the USA's Family Planning Program at the Department of Health and Human Services. Just so we're on the same page here, the Family Planning Programme is designed "to provide access to contraceptive supplies and information to all who want and need them with priority given to low-income persons." (Emphasis mine)

I would like to say Keroack's appointment boggles the mind, but this is the fucking Bush administration. That's right, he's no longer just Bush, he's FUCKING BUSH. Why is Keroack so appropriate for the appointment? Oh, just that he has served on the medical advisory board of the Abstinence Clearinghouse, a board open only to doctors who refuse to promote or prescribe contraception to teens. Frighteningly, Keroack's colleagues at the Clearinghouse refer to birth control advocates as "condom pushers" and the "safe sex cartel."

Personally there's only so much left of my hair to tear out, so in lieu of ravaging my scalp once again in the name of fucking Bush, here's a response better than I could be bothered to write, via a fabulous quote from salty-mouthed blogger, The Rude Pundit:

If it's time for President Bush to nominate someone for a position, it's time to hide our mothers. For, indeed, if there is one thing that is actually steady and true in the topsy-turvy landscape of the raped and desecrated body politic, it is that George Bush will select a motherfucker for the open slot. In fact, Bush will actually pass over pigfuckers, dogfuckers, babyfuckers, and corpsefuckers just to make sure that he has picked the right kind of fucker for the job: a motherfucker. So far, we've been treated to a regular carnival parade of motherfuckers.

Hell, you could make a list of just the motherfuckers named "John" in the Bush Administration: from John Ashcroft, who wept and beat himself bloody with a bullwhip made of dried aborted fetuses every time he fucked a mother, to John Bolton, who shits on Kofi Annan's desk while fucking ambassadors' mothers, to John Negroponte, who keeps jars of the eyeballs of Salvadoran village children killed by death squads in the 1980s to stare at him while he fucks their aging mothers, to John Roberts, who tries not to think about fucking fathers while fucking mothers because he wants everyone to think he's a motherfucker just like them.